Sunday, October 10, 2021

Scenes along the quay in Torcello


Wildflowers along the quay

Thursday                                                                                                  October 7, 2021

We had a satisfying and full second day, touring Murano, shopping, riding around the lagoon.  It was time to head back to the Locanda for our evening dinner and a rest in our room.  Jet lag is present, but not too bad.  I love the little details of things we see along the way - including these photos from our walk between the water bus fondamente and our Locanda along the quay in Torcello.

Michael far ahead - why? He doesn't bother with the photos (smile).

A small playground outside on of the Torcello restaurants

Pomegranate trees everywhere

An outdoor patio at one of Torcello's restaurants.  Not sure I'd want to sit in those chairs!

The lion of Saint Mark - the symbol of Venice - found everywhere across the Venetian Lagoon

Il Ponte Diavolo (the Devil's Bridge) - probably true, as there are no side rails to assist with crossing.

You can see the campanile - the bell tower of Torcello's church - from all over the lagoon

Time to say goodnight on another fun day

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