Sunday, October 17, 2021

Bellagio - Picturesque and pretty scenes


the streets of Bellagio are pretty, with a scenic view on most horizons

Wednesday                                                                    October 13, 2021

We spent today wandering around Bellagio, checking out the streets, the parks, the Lido and the churches.  And maybe just a little shopping...

Lots of up and down to get from one place to the next, but every few steps, a beautiful view would surprise you and make it all worth the effort.  It wasn't crowded, except on the main streets - Via Giuseppe Garibaldi and Via Roma.  Italy is wonderfully careful about COVID - mask wearing and hand sanitizing everywhere indoors and still marking distance between people in lines.  Honestly, I felt that my health was much better protected here than in upper Wisconsin.  Such sanity and care for others.

Formerly an Anglican church, this pretty building is now a private residence

Most everywhere in Bellagio is either up or down

"E su or giu" in Italiano - It's either up or down.

The tip of the promontory of Bellagio ends in Punta Spartivento and this lovely park 

There is a small boat launch at Punta Spartivento - and Michael was ready to rent a boat and get out on the water.

However - look at the waves on the lake! Not a good day for pleasure boating.  We decided to try for tomorrow.

At Punta Spartivento - it means "dividing winds", and if you look on a map, you can see why.

We were getting hungry - and Michael wanted to have a pizza - so we found this nice place with an outside table.

Michael's first pizza of the trip - Quattro Stagione - "Four seasons" with ham, olives, artichoke and mushrooms.

An octopus salad for me, thanks!

The bell tower and Bellagio's church - San Giacomo

San Giacomo dates to around the 11th or 12th century.  It has been frequently restored - a bit of a hodgepodge.

Mosaics over the altar, from the 1800s.

A most important afternoon pause for espresso at the local bar.  Drink it like an Italian - standing up and no sugar.

We stopped to buy a few items in this wood store - which has been in the family since the 1850's - 5 generations

In a room next to his store was the woodworkers shop - including a handsome collection of tools.

Take care for Il Postino - the postman - he's in a hurry and might run you down!

Wednesday                                                            October 13, 2021

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