Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Oh, now I see. Venice in the daytime.....

This pretty campo was washed clean by a sudden rain shower

 Wednesday                                                                        October 6, 2021  

We had a wonderful morning wandering around Venice's less touristy districts (sestieri) - Cannaregio and Castello.  We arrived after dark last evening, so today is our first real day of exploring.  We enjoyed our breakfast with cappucini at our B & B, and were pleased to learn that its street - Calle Larga dei Boteri - was the home of Titian for 45 of his years in Venice.

The fun of wandering is just going with the flow and seeing what you find.  Venezia is like a big maze.

Love this little campietto with it's covered well.

We passed a number of flower markets, as well as fruit and fish markets and coffee bars

A beautiful campo near the Miracoli church in Cannaregio

The morning started out cloudy and threatened rain, so we brought out umbrellas and ponchos.  After we'd been wandering an hour or two, the heavens opened up and poured, just as we approached the Campo of Santa Maria Formosa.  So, we quickly ducked inside and by the time we finished exploring the church, the rain had mostly stopped.  But I was rewarded with frizzy hair from the downpour!

The grey stones matched the grey sky this morning - Michael has an umbrella sticking out of his backpack.

Lovely rio and buildings - there was a school behind this brick wall - we could hear children singing.

This door! Bellissima.

Many little bridges to nowhere - at least that we had access to.  Much fun backtracking and rerouting.

And here it is - the rain just poured down, pushing everyone into doorways and under umbrellas until the deluge stopped.

We managed to do some shopping, see some churches and speak with some amazing artisans along the way.  We were aiming to see a Murano glass factory showroom near Piazza San Marco that our friends, Helene and David, had visited on their trip 2 weeks ago.  We found it after about 3 hours of meandering, and enjoyed seeing their impressive collection of artisan glass.  We plan to visit their furnace and shop on Murano tomorrow.  We were pleased that the sun was out for almost all of the rest of the day.

After the rain, everything looked fresh and shiny.

A gorgeous palazzo, don't you think?  I love the marble and the arcades of arches.

If you're going to take a gondola ride, this is the perfect area - lots to see and no competing traffic

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