Thursday, October 7, 2021

The best natural glass artist you will ever meet - Vittorio Costantini


Vittorio Costantini, maestro del vetro a lume, working on a delicately colored glass fish

Exquisite examples of the work of Vittorio Costantini

Wednesday                                                                                           October 6, 2021

Some days Lady Luck just sits on your shoulder.  How else to explain that in all the glass shops in Venice, we happened to walk by the one owned by Vittorio Costantini, an amazing virtuoso of creating small and exquisitely detailed natural flora and fauna out of glass.

Now in his 70's, he was born on Burano - the son of a fisherman and a lace maker.  He began working in glass when he was 11 years old.  He has spent most of his life carefully observing the natural world around him and trying to recreate it in glass.  He says he is often inspired by spending time contemplating in his garden.

Did you notice the black spider web in the upper right?  And the purple butterfly!

Preying Mantis, beetles and butterflies that are part of his personal collection and not for sale

A recreation of a forest floor from blown glass.  The legs and antennae of the insects are so delicate.

Many of the items in his shop are from his personal collection of pieces he has crafted over the years, and are not for sale.  It's like walking into a fantastic glass museum.  But we did fall in love with his created scenes of mushrooms and insects on the forest floor, and bees working on honeycombs.  We are now the pleased owners of a small cluster of glass mushrooms created by Vittorio Costantini - and will cherish it as a memory of this trip.

Butterflies, spiders, beetles and mushrooms

Cute little lizards crawling off the frame on the upper left

Not only a greatly gifted master artist, but a kind soul with a sweet smile while he is working

Each one of these bees individually made from glass

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