Monday, October 11, 2021

Leaving Venice -- and the Locanda

Cin-cin.  A toast to a great three days in Venezia and a wonderful start for our vacation.

Saturday                                                                                                October 9, 2021

As we packed and prepared to leave the Locanda Cipriani and Torcello, we decided it would be ideal to hire a water taxi to take us to the Tronchetto area where we would be picking up our rental car.  While we took the water busses with our three suitcases out to Torcello, we thought it would be easier if our drop off was at exactly where we needed to go.

Great decision, as it was a fun ride, and we got to see a bit of the Grand Canal along the way.  I had a great time speaking Italian with our driver, as he described what we were seeing along the way.

A last sunny view of Locanda Cipriani as we depart for the next leg of our vacation

We could look out over our water taxi while we were still in the sheltered canal, but he cautioned us about waves while on the Lagoon.  He was right, glad we closed up the windows.

Sunny weather, but still high seas, winds and lots of cross waves from all the boat traffic on the Lagoon!

Our driver shortened the trip through the Rio di Noale, a smaller canal off the Fondamente Nuove

We entered the Grand Canal at the beautiful, baroque Ca' Pesaro, which houses an Asian art museum now.

Church of San Stae (Eustacchio)

San Geremia (left) and the entrance to the Jewish quarter (Europe's original ghetto)

Chiesa degli scalzi (Church of the Barefeet)

Our driver said he must be very careful in this area, as the maximum speed allowed is only 5 KM per hour (3 MPH) to prevent erosion and damage.  He told us that the police constantly monitor the canal, and give tickets and heavy fines to anyone not following the rules.  He pointed out where a policeman was standing right under a bridge, checking speeds with a radar  sensor.

He dropped us off within 2 blocks of the rental car offices.  It was easy to get our luggage there, and find the offices.  However, our AVIS car rental office was permanently closed.  Long story, but we were able to rent an alternate car from Hertz, so we're off to Tuscany for the next 3 days.

One of the last sights (or first, depending on your orientation ) on the Grand Canal is the Ferrovia - the train station.


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