Thursday, October 14, 2021

Volterra COVID art exhibition - an emotional moment

This grave filled the room on the third floor of the Priori Palace

Monday                                                                                October 11, 2021

Life surprises you sometimes.  In the middle of Etruscan, medieval Volterra, I found a most profound and moving art exhibit depicting the impact of COVID and quarantine.  The descriptions were all in Italian - I was able to understand the intent of most, but I took photos so that I could translate at home and better understand the intent of what was depicted.

It was a multimedia display, two and three dimensional art, some paper, most paintings, and it had music that was generally somber and punctuated with ambulance sirens.  By the time I finished contemplating the pieces, I was in tears.  Still am now, writing about it.  It's been a tough time for everyone, the whole world cries.

"Tre giorni  il tempo, passato, presente e futuro"

"Pandemos - di tutto il popolo

Dissolvenze nel tempo

Nell'abisso dell'anima

A poem called when the child was a child

This painting accompanied the poem above

Liquide lentezze

Spillover e in morte di Luis Sepulveda

Le tue labbra

Il Micro nel Macro

Questo sciame virale che attraversa la terra - this viral swarm that crosses the earth.  


        Ho pianto.......... 

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