Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Yes, a walk around the Borgo is a treat for the eyes


Tuscany = rows of cyprus tree

Sunday                                                                                                October 10

Lets take a walk around the Borgo Pignano property. They have herb gardens, manicured lawns, hiking trails through the woods or around the farm property.  Lots of interesting trees and flowers, most of which I couldn't recognize.  But I loved all the fragrances of the herbs and flowers that were brought forward by the little breezes.

Walking paths through the herb gardens

The woods were covered with these yellow flowers, that looked like giant crocus.

Despite all the flowers, you could tell it is fall - leaves are turning red and gold

You can find lots of old farm implements on the grounds of the Borgo

What do you think?  Pulled by animals, farmer rides on the seat and operates the cutting arm for harvesting grains?

I think this is their pizza oven - Aaron and Sara need one like this....

Gate that leads to the stairs to the swimming pool and quarry

Nice views from the terrace, part of the vineyards

Michael takes the long walk home

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