Thursday, October 7, 2021

The quiet, quaint island of Torcello - mother of Venice


We have arrived - Siamo arrivati - at the water bus stop at Torcello

Wednesday                                                                                   October 6, 2021

Siamo arrivati.  It takes about 45 minutes to travel from the Cannaregio area of Venice to Torcello, depending on your luck with connections.  In the time we traveled, the weather went from windy and sunny, to full on storm clouds.  We just made it through the door of the hotel, after walking along the quay for 10 minutes from the water bus stop to our hotel. when the heavens opened again and rain poured down - for the second time today.  Our timing was impeccable.

Welcome to Torcello - a beautifully refurbished quay along the canal that leads to the hotel and the basilica.

It's very peaceful this time in the evening - most of the tourists have departed and the island is quiet.

The Ponte di Diavolo (Devil's Bridge) crosses the canal here - where you'll find a restaurant of the same name.

This is actually our third time staying at the Locanda Cipriani.  The Locanda has been at this location since 1935, as a restaurant with 5 guest rooms. The island of Torcello - once the center of the pre-Venetian Lagoon - is now all but abandoned.  At night, only the guests of the Locanda and the staff are still here.  It's an island of peace and solitude and restoration.

The beautiful and serene Locanda, located adjacent to the two 1000 year old churches on Torcello.

The view from the Locanda back down the canal and quay - through the raindrops.

An arcobaleno - a rainbow - after the quick but heavy downpour of rain upon our arrival

I'm pretending the rainbow means that Torcello is happy to see us again

Hemingway (right) eating a meal at the Locanda Cipriani

The Locanda Cipriani has had a number of famous visitors over the years.  Ernest Hemingway stayed here for a season, writing one of his novels;  heads of state including presidents of Italy, and English royalty, including Chuck and Di.  And the very famous Sally and Scott Cunningham also stayed here (my sister and brother in law >smile<).

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