Friday, October 15, 2021

Good morning Lago di Como - the colors of your day


Good morning Lago di Como!

Wednesday                                                                    October 13, 2021

We're staying in Bellagio at the Hotel Belvedere.  We arrived after dark last night, so were delighted with the surprise of this spectacular view from our hotel terrace.  As the day progressed, it was fun to watch the colors of the rocks and the water change with the 
movement of the sun.

Our terrace looks to the southeast along the right (eastern) leg of the lake, toward Lecco and the sunrise

The morning sun's rays were painting the trees with fall colors

By 11 AM, the lake was a beautiful turquoise blue.

Exploring after breakfast - a tiled terrace overlooking the hotel's gardens.

The Hotel Belvedere's gardens are terraced and look north to the Villa Serbelloni, of the Rockefeller Foundation.

The colors intensify as the day progresses.

Love seeing the sailboats - not many because it's late in the season

Michael on our terrace, admiring the amazing views.

Mid afternoon and full sun

Late afternoon haze is beginning to develop

Moon's up with the evening twilight.

Evening lights are coming on; time to call it a day....

Wednesday                                                            October 13, 2021

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