Thursday, October 14, 2021

Volterra - a city of dragons guarding every corner

Monday                                                                                October 11, 2021

In this most medieval city of Volterra, there are small but beautiful iron dragons everywhere, guarding buildings and street corners and even inside the Magistrate's room in the Palazzo dei Priori. Volterra's city crest sports a dragon and a serpent, so it appears they mean business.

I enjoyed finding as many dragons as I could, especially because the grandboys are pretty into dragons these days.  Besides, it's way more fun than "find the Mickeys" at Disney World!

This very attractive 2 foot dragon is inside the Magistrate's meeting room - a candle or flag holder?

Guarding the Bishops Palace

On the street corner of the Piazza dei Priori

Love this dragon's shadow on the Palazzo Pretorio

Little dragon behind the Basilica of Santa Maria dell'Assunta

This dragon is facing off with the lion on the corner of the Piazza dei Priori

A dragon carved from alabaster in the museum


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