Friday, October 22, 2021

Dreaming Big Dreams....

Spent our last night in the Marriott; trading great farm breakfasts for tea and a few cookies...

Monday                                                                                        October 18, 2021

We're dreaming big dreams - of all the enjoyment we had on this Italian vacation - and of the travels in our future.  We were up a dawn to head to the Marco Polo airport.  The very convenient Marriott hotel has a shuttle bus that transported us and our luggage.  Checkin went without a hitch.  Yesterday, we did the required COVID test for re-entry into the US.

We waited for our flight to board in the airport lounge.  It's right on the edge of the lagoon, and in the sunrise, we could see the silhouettes of the towers of Venice and Torcello.  We flew to Istanbul - over Istria and Croatia, the Balkans and Bulgaria - to pick up our connecting flight on Turkish Air to Chicago.  A two hour flight, followed by a 10 hour flight.  Arrival in Chicago at 5:30 PM, and then ready to drive home to Middleton.

Sunrise over the Venetian Lagoon, seen from the lounge at the Marco Polo airport

On the left, the bell tower on Torcello, where we stayed; on the right, St. Mark's campanile

Goodby to the pretty, pastoral campos of Italy

Who wouldn't want a magical journey?

An hour between connecting flights in Istanbul meant no time for shopping - darn!

View out the window for much of the flight - high altitude sun halo

Most trans-Atlantic flights to and from Chicago fly over Greenland - always fascinating.

An amazing assortment of Turkish mezze preceded our dinner - baba ganoush, dolma, artichoke heart, lentils....

Love that they serve Turkish coffee, of course, on Turkish Air flights.  It's tasty!

It's always such a pleasure and privilege to travel.  Italy continues to hold my heart captive.  I hope to return again in the next few years - still more areas to explore.  And we have a number of trips in 2022 - postponed from previously scheduled travel.  I hope we're able to continue as planned.

But as much as I love the travel - it's always the best to return home and sleep in your own bed.  Amen.

Back home in Wisconsin.  So glad to be here. We missed our home and families.

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