Sunday, October 10, 2021

An historic church in Murano - Santa Maria e San Donato


The Campo of Santa Maria e San Donato, as viewed from the bridge over Murano's Grand Canal

Thursday                                                                                         October 7, 2021

One of the oldest churches in the Veneto Lagoon is located on Murano: Santa Maria e San Donato.  The original structure is from the 600's, and the one you can visit now was constructed from 1040 to 1125.  It is famous for it's mosaic floor - but the outside Romanesque structure is incredibly delicate and appealing when viewed from the Ponte San Donato over the Murano Grand Canal.  The entrance, on the opposite side, is plain brick, without decoration.  It's homely appearance shouldn't fool you, as there is an absolute treasure inside.

The church, Santa Maria, was in a rivalry with its neighbor, San Stefano, but it won out as the Duomo of Murano when the remains of Saint Donatus of Arrezzo were given to the church for internment by the Doge in 1125. Hence the long name.  But even better, four large rib bones hang behind the altar - the remains of a dragon that was killed by Saint Donatus. 

The eastern facade is delicate with its Romanesque arches surrounding the apse.

The campanile (bell tower) is separate from the church and has a memorial to those killed in wars at its base.

At the base of the bell tower, there is a very moving memorial to those who have died in wars.  (In Italian - Momumento ai Caduti - memorial to those who have fallen).  It was created after WWI, in 1928, with sculptures by Napoleone Martinuzzi - a famous glass maker from a famous Murano family.

Momumento ai Caduti - memorial to those who have fallen in the wars

This sculpture, by Napoleone Martinuzzi, is very moving - a fallen soldier cradled in the arms of an angel.

The entrance to Santa Maria e San Donato is plain brick, and doesn't hint at the treasures to be seen inside.

A courtyard to the side of the church entrance, with elements awaiting restoration

Save Venice, a USA based foundation, has supported much of the restoration of this beautiful Duomo

A painting of Santa Maria e San Donato from the 1700s.

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