Thursday, October 7, 2021

Lunch - the pause that refreshes...


A little Prosecco with lunch? Why yes, thank you

Wednesday                                                                                October 6, 2021

We found a small trattoria for lunch at about 1 PM, needing some time to regenerate our energy after our morning excursions. We wanted to eat outside, especially because of COVID precautions.  Trattoria Cea was perfect, with an ancient arbor of greenery under which tables were available for eating "fuori" (outside).

Trattoria Cea, with a large covered well in the outside campietto. It was crowded with locals inside

An ancient, prolific vine provided greenery and shade overhead. We preferred to eat outside and it provided the perfect spot.

After all our wanderings, it was good to get off our feet for a bit of relaxation and refreshment.  We are only on our first day, so dealing with jet lag sneaks up on you at surprising times.  We ordered spaghetti con vongole (clams) and penne amatriciana (mildly spicy with pancetta).  But the best was the large liter of water and carafe of Prosecco.  After, we were ready to tackle the afternoon.

Next to Michael is the trunk of this ancient arborial vine, which covered the whole section of the courtyard

Penne amatriciana - lots of bits of pancetta in a fresh tomato sauce

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