Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Venice at night - a quiet place to walk


Tuesday                                                                                            October 5, 2021

We settled ourselves into our B & B at the eastern end of Cannaregio this evening.  Our B & B is on a quiet residential street, not only close to the water bus stop, but near one of my favorite churches in Venice, Il Gesuiti.  The accommodations are perfect, but it's only a 4 room B & B, with no real amenities.  Michael wanted to purchase a few things for snacks and drinks.  So we found a tourist map and set out to find a mercato that was still open - not too late, it's 8 PM.

Michael walking on the calle (street) of our B & B.

We found a great little market with all that we needed after crossing a few rios and bridges.  We selected peaches and a melon, buffalo mozzarella, noci (hazelnuts) and some bottled water.  I was able to speak well in Italian - glad my studying has helped me brush up, even if it's only at a 4 year old level of speaking.

Serious little corner market in one of Cannareggio's byways

We considered stopping in here at the bar for an espresso to cap off the night, but I was afraid it might not help with the need for catching up on sleep.  There's always tomorrow.

Wonderful looking local trattoria, with many patrons for a Monday night.

Buonanotte Venezia!

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