Wednesday, October 13, 2021

The Elsa river trail - Sentier Elsa

Standing on a bridge, at the start of the river walk, looking along the River Elsa

Sunday                                                                                            October 10, 2021

We had a rather relaxed day, after our big drive yesterday.  We walked around the property, Michael went swimming and off road biking.  By afternoon, we were ready for a little more adventure, so we drove east to a natural park area near San Gimignano.

The Elsa River is described as one of the most important sources of fish in Tuscany, as it flows north to join the Arno.  There is a walking trail, known as the Sentier Elsa, along its course that goes for about 4 KM, past grottos, some small waterfalls and naturally created holes.

There is a small brick building on the side of this bridge.  Looks like maybe water sliding in the summer?

It's a nice afternoon for a walk in the woods with the soothing noise of a gurgling river

The river is used for swimming in the summer.  Bet these wide, slanted areas are great for sliding or tubing

The water is clear and these cavities created from rocks look like great fish hideouts.

Heading downstream to a small 2 foot drop off.

Later afternoon sunlight paining the weeds and waters bright colors

This bend in the river creates a still area thats perfects as a mirror for the clouds and the sky.

This area is called the grotto of the otters - and the silt in the water reflects an amazing turquoise color

Fascinated by this  beautiful color

Watched this local pescatore for a while, but he didn't seem to be catching anything.

Retracing our steps to head back to the car

This is the bridge we drove over for parking - and walked across to take photos and climb down to the place that you could walk the river trail.

By the time we returned to the Borgo, it was time for another lovely sunset.  We lingered on the belvedere terrace for a while before heading in to get ready for dinner.


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