Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Beautiful clouds and arial views of the Venetian lagoon

Flying over the Balkans - clouds highlighted by the setting sun

Tuesday                                                                                            October 5, 2021

Our flight from Istanbul to Venice was a treat.  We were able to see the Turkish coastline on the way out, the Croatian coastline and the Adriatic Sea, and we had a view of the whole Venetian lagoon on our flight approach to Marco Polo Airport.  It was twilight as we were landing, and the colors were all shades of blues, greens and grays - like watercolor paintings.

Thunderclouds over Croatia

The Venetian Lagoon

Matteo and his gleaming chariot, I mean, water taxi, ready to take us to our B & B.

Once we arrived, passport control was easy.  We picked up our luggage and took a LONG (!) walk to the water taxi quay next to the airport.  We're staying at a B & B - Il Pozzo di Luce - and our host, Allessandra, arranged for a water taxi to take us to the location near the Fondamente Nove.  It was greatly appreciated, after having two long flights and not much sleep.  Our driver, Matteo, had a beautiful polished and gleaming wooden taxi and he zipped us off to the Calle Larga dei Boteri - the street of our B & B.  It has begun to rain, so we were glad to be well taken care of on this last leg of our travels.

Leaving the water taxi quay at the Marco Polo Airport - a lovely and evocative structure right adjacent to the airport

Glad to be inside this well cared for boat, as it's now dark and raining.

Big smile from Michael - we made it here without any complications.  Now it's time to relax!


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