Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Driving to Volterra - a surprise in the Tuscany countryside


Typical gold and terra cotta Tuscan estate

Monday                                                                                            October 11, 2021

We decided to drive for a visit to Volterra on Monday morning.  Volterra is one of my very favorite Tuscan towns.  It has a rich Etruscan heritage and a great Etruscan museum.  It is a center for alabaster artistry, mining the alabaster from the nearby hills.  It is built on top of a tufa hill - the center of an old volcano.  It has a great city wall, a rocca (fortress) and an interesting Duomo.  It has the oldest city hall in all of Tuscany.

The Borgo is only a 20 minute drive from Volterra.  Along the way, was couldn't help stopping to admire the beauty of the Tuscan countryside.

You can see the Borgo Pignano from many of the hills and turnouts on our drive

Michael noticed a surprise at this vineyard - do you see the circle?

Half way to Volterra, Michael spied what he thought was a sculpture on the horizon. It was a large red circle.  And a few miles down the road, we found another one, right next to the roadside.  We laughed when Michael said that maybe we'd found the Stargate.  Power it up and we'll take a visit to the Goa'uld.

It does kinda look like a Stargate, waiting to transport you to another planet, don't you think?

Large vineyard near the Borgo Pignano - open for wine tastings.

Look, it's another Stargate!

A view of Volterra on the horizon

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