Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Sometimes the little ones are the best - Il Pozzo di Luce


Tuesday                                                                                                     October 5, 2021

Our flight schedule, dictated by having to use our ticket credits with Turkish Airlines, had us arriving fairly late into Venice tonight.  Last time we did this, we grabbed a hotel near the airport on the mainland in Mestre.  We decided we wanted something different this time.

We arrived via water taxi and let ourselves into the B & B with a door code

Michael found a promising B & B with high ratings in Cannargio, close to the Fondamente Nove, which is where we will depart for our place in Torcello tomorrow.  It seemed like a wonderful  choice, and we weren't disappointed.  It has only 4 rooms, all on a second floor, surrounding a central area with a skylight that serves as the breakfast room.  It's a great place to lay our heads down for tonight.

The rooms are up here at the top of the stairs (we're looking down to the front door.)

Breakfast here tomorrow morning

Tea, coffee, fruit - and joy of joys - a bottle of Prosecco!

Comfy room for our first night in Venice

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