Monday, October 11, 2021

Windows and doors and reflections...


Saturday                                                                                             October 9, 2021

My reflections on Venice:  COVID has made a great improvement, ironically, as now the crowds are manageable - and in some places nonexistent.  Venice has already banned the large cruise ships and is working on plans to limit the daily number of visitors in the future.

The restaurant and shop owners and workers seem much more pleasant, and willing to talk and engage - perhaps not so stressed?  The whole lagoon seems and smells much cleaner.  Acqua alta was horrendous last fall and some people are still recovering.  The high water we experienced while here was very mild and Venice seems very well prepared for this type of irritation.

There is SO, SO much to see.  I still haven't covered so many churches, museums, restaurants, special places.  But it always seems to me Venice is best when you just have a general plan, and walk around with joy in your heart, open to whatever experiences she wishes to present to you.  You won't be disappointed.

On the street of Il Pozzo B & B in Cannaregio

Apartment doorbells near Rialto

Love this modern door in Murano, near the Duomo

Architectural artifact in Torcello museum

Religious niche in Murano


Stormy reflections

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