Monday, October 18, 2021

Agriturismo San Mattia - a beautiful oasis near Verona

What a lovely place to sit and soak up the warm autumn sunshine

Friday                                                                                October 15, 2021

Today we left Lake Como and drove to north of Verona, where we will stay at Agriturismo San Mattia for three nights.  It was a fairly easy drive - about 2 hours, almost all of the way on the Autostrada. We had a delightful arrival around 4 PM - the reception area is about a 10 minute walk from our actual accommodations.  The receptionist asked if we'd like to rest and relax on their terrace for a little while with a glass of wine before going to our room and unpacking.

Why yes, thank you, we would love to relax and have a glass of wine.  The Agriturismo has been making wine for about a decade, and they served us their white wine, known as Terra Giallo (yellow earth).  A very nice way to start our visit here.

The Corte San Mattia agriturismo has an interesting story which you can read on their web site.  Two current siblings, Camilla and Giovanni are third generation owners of the "holiday farm" - (english translation of agriturismo.) This is how they describe the origins of the farm, with their grandfather, Giuseppe Ederle:

"Today our business is very complex and well-structured, especially due to the large number of different things we do. It hasn’t always been like that though. We have grown one step at a time.

The farm dates back to 1920, when our grandfather bought it. We didn’t meet him but have good memories of the stories told by the old people who lived here when we were children. In those days everything was similar but different: wine, oil, fruit and vegetables were produced for the market in Verona’s Piazza delle Erbe. The many farmers who lived here worked the land by hand or with oxen, irrigated it with buckets of water from the Sommavalle fountain, delivered the crop with donkeys and carts going down to the town along old mule tracks. There was no telephone, electricity, water supply. In winter, the cold was fought by burning forest wood in the fireplaces and wearing wool spun at home.

Our apartment - number 20 - for the next three days is located in this building

Out front is a lovely lawn, on a hill that overlooks the town of Verona and the Adige River to the south

More about the history of this beautiful property:

"Our grandfather began to rationalize countryside work. He brought electricity, the water main and the first tractors. On his land he built the road that still connects San Mattia to Verona.

He passed away in 1969 while he was at the town hall discussing the need to build a small school in San Mattia with the mayor. In the following years, farming went on slowly, without big news, until 1985 when our father Francesco made his dream come true by opening a stable with a nationally renowned equestrian center. This was a very important moment for us because in order to face the need for accommodation and refreshment for the students of the equestrian center, our father opened the holiday farm. Corte San Mattia is the first holiday farm to open in Verona.

The door to number 20, the Stia House - a renovated rustic farm house.

Our kitchen and dining area - very nice, but we didn't cook anything except a cup of tea in the evening.

Sitting room and king sized bed, with an immense, bright picture window.

Kitchen door and window

View of Verona from our kitchen window

Relaxing lawn for sitting or lounging

A beautiful old olive tree provided shade

Big smiles - happy guy

Olive groves and vineyards are part of the production for this farm.

And the rest of the story about the Corte di San Mattia:

"Unfortunately, a few years later, after our birth (1988 and 1987), our father got ill. Our fantastic mother Francesca rolled up her sleeves and took over the countryside work and the holiday farm, thus improving and increasing her business. In particular, we owe the 2006 refurbishment of the old flower greenhouses with the construction of rooms with a view of Verona to her.

When we finally grew up our mother made us join the farm and accompanied us for a long time to pass her experience on to us. Today she is always present on the farm and her contribution is fundamental.

Since we started managing the Corte San Mattia, we have made significant changes. In 2005 we started restructuring vineyards and crops. In 2009 we started producing and marketing wine and oil. In 2010 we enlarged the farm restaurant opening it to the external public. In 2012 we increased the number of rooms and apartments available to guests by opening renovated farmhouses. In 2016 we obtained the certification of an organic farm and in 2018 we built the new winery with annexed rooms.  Today we, and our mother, are no longer alone as we have our families supporting us and enabling us to keep dreaming."

A great view of Verona and the Adige River from our lawn.


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